This might turn into a photography blog…

I honestly thought that was what my college years were for and that I would have my shit together by now, but I was very, very wrong. College gave me a clear-cut path for what my life was supposed to be. It gave me structure with deadlines, course catalogs, assignments, applications, schedules, and attendance policies. And then I graduated, got married, went on my honeymoon, looked around at all my choices and said, “okay, now what?” And the universe gave me white noise.

I’m not even going to try to come up with excuses for why it’s been so long since I’ve posted on here. Shit happens. I’m trying to get it together. And this is probably mostly going to be me rambling, because I haven’t written in awhile. I’m sorry in advance.

My quarter-life crisis is in full effect, which means I’m constantly looking for new and exciting ways to fill my time, even though I have very little free time. I guess it’s not really to fill my time as much as it is to find some sort of purpose in my life. There’s been a reoccurring theme since turning 23 in which I decide I really want to do this or be that or go here or try this new something, and then I realize: I hate all of those things. Those things are not for me. Better try this new thing.

I honestly thought that was what my college years were for and that I would have my shit together by now, but I was very, very wrong. College gave me a clear-cut path for what my life was supposed to be. It gave me structure with deadlines, course catalogs, assignments, applications, schedules, and attendance policies. And then I graduated, got married, went on my honeymoon, looked around at all my choices and said, “okay, now what?” And the universe gave me white noise.

Continue reading “This might turn into a photography blog…”

25 Goals for My 25th Year

Last night, my husband and I were discussing our future. (Casual, I know.) He suggested we each make lists of goals we want to accomplish within the next ten years. Not going to lie, the idea of that freaks me out. Ten years is such an intimidatingly long time. And the idea of writing down things like, “buy a house” or “have babies” gives me much more anxiety the older I get. But since my birthday is a little less than two weeks away, I figured setting mini goals for my 25th year of life wouldn’t be the worst idea. I started my quarter-life crisis at 24 so I’m hoping turning 25 will be slightly more graceful.

Last night, my husband and I were discussing our future. (Casual, I know.) He suggested we each make lists of goals we want to accomplish within the next ten years. Not going to lie, the idea of that freaks me out. Ten years is such an intimidatingly long time. And the idea of writing down things like, “buy a house” or “have babies” gives me much more anxiety the older I get. But since my birthday is a little less than two weeks away, I figured setting mini goals for my 25th year of life wouldn’t be the worst idea. I started my quarter-life crisis at 24 so I’m hoping turning 25 will be slightly more graceful. Here goes: Continue reading “25 Goals for My 25th Year”

A Photo An Hour | Saturday, August 2nd

I’ve been stalking various blogs this week for a little inspiration and came across the “a photo an hour” trend. I’m already obsessed. Google it and you’ll see what I mean. I attempted to do my own yesterday, taking a photo (sometimes two because I’m a rebel like that) every hour from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. This post might end up being completely boring, but I think it’s an interesting way to get to know someone. So come hang out with me on a typical Saturday. Continue reading “A Photo An Hour | Saturday, August 2nd”

I am my mother’s daughter.

In honor of my mom visiting this weekend, I thought I’d reflect on the life lessons I’ve learned from her in my life so far. It’s funny how things we learned in childhood become stronger as we get older. I appreciate everything my parents did to shape me now more than ever before. I am my mother’s daughter and proud of it. The following are the most important lessons I’ve picked up from her:  Continue reading “I am my mother’s daughter.”

How I Stay Positive

serenity prayer

Let me say right off the bat that I can only speak about my own experiences. I’m not a fan of articles with lists that tell people how to BE happy, as if there were some magical formula for happiness. I’m not here to preach religion or exercise or some new age book that you need to go out and buy. This is what works for me. If anything, this post is more for me, because sometimes I  forget how to be happy. I’ve struggled with mild to moderate depression and anxiety since I was thirteen. Continue reading “How I Stay Positive”

Lessons I’ve Learned as a Newlywed (So Far)

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The first thing everyone asks when you get married and come home from your honeymoon is, “how’s married life?” If, like me, you were already in a committed, long-term, monogamous relationship and living together you don’t really know what to say. You might feel relief from the stress of wedding planning and possibly a bit more touchy-feely after vacationing with your best friend, but at that point everything is pretty much the same. My husband and I were inseparable since the moment we met four years before we got married. We fell in love fast and hard, which goes against everything I’ve ever believed about love and lasting relationships, but nearly five years of the most incredible love story I’ve ever known have proved me wrong so far.   Continue reading “Lessons I’ve Learned as a Newlywed (So Far)”

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” -Buddha

Well hello there. Nice to meet you.

My husband has been pushing me to start my own blog for I don’t even know how long now. I’m pretty sure the only people who are actually going to read this are him and my parents, but on the off-chance you’re not one of the above, welcome to my lifestyle blog! Continue reading ““In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” -Buddha”