Senior Portraits // Samantha

As promised in my last post, I’m so excited to share the senior portraits I shot for my sister-in-law. I’ve known Sam for almost seven years, so obviously this was a lot of fun. We shot on our property in Marion, in Austin, in Gruene, and a few at Canyon High School in New Braunfels. Sam loves animals and working with children. She is proud to be attending Texas Lutheran University in the fall and plans to pursue a career in education.

As promised in my last post, I’m so excited to share the senior portraits I shot for my sister-in-law. I’ve known Sam for almost seven years, so obviously this was a lot of fun. We shot on our property in Marion, in Austin, in Gruene, and a few at Canyon High School in New Braunfels. Sam loves animals and working with children. She is proud to be attending Texas Lutheran University in the fall and plans to pursue a career in education.



This might turn into a photography blog…

I honestly thought that was what my college years were for and that I would have my shit together by now, but I was very, very wrong. College gave me a clear-cut path for what my life was supposed to be. It gave me structure with deadlines, course catalogs, assignments, applications, schedules, and attendance policies. And then I graduated, got married, went on my honeymoon, looked around at all my choices and said, “okay, now what?” And the universe gave me white noise.

I’m not even going to try to come up with excuses for why it’s been so long since I’ve posted on here. Shit happens. I’m trying to get it together. And this is probably mostly going to be me rambling, because I haven’t written in awhile. I’m sorry in advance.

My quarter-life crisis is in full effect, which means I’m constantly looking for new and exciting ways to fill my time, even though I have very little free time. I guess it’s not really to fill my time as much as it is to find some sort of purpose in my life. There’s been a reoccurring theme since turning 23 in which I decide I really want to do this or be that or go here or try this new something, and then I realize: I hate all of those things. Those things are not for me. Better try this new thing.

I honestly thought that was what my college years were for and that I would have my shit together by now, but I was very, very wrong. College gave me a clear-cut path for what my life was supposed to be. It gave me structure with deadlines, course catalogs, assignments, applications, schedules, and attendance policies. And then I graduated, got married, went on my honeymoon, looked around at all my choices and said, “okay, now what?” And the universe gave me white noise.

Continue reading “This might turn into a photography blog…”

Fifteen of My Favorite Feelings (As Told by My Instagram Feed)

1. When I wake up too early on a Sunday, but there’s soft light filtering through the blinds, so I get up to watch the sunrise, drink coffee, and listen to the silence before the rest of the world wakes up.

Continue reading “Fifteen of My Favorite Feelings (As Told by My Instagram Feed)”

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” -Buddha

Well hello there. Nice to meet you.

My husband has been pushing me to start my own blog for I don’t even know how long now. I’m pretty sure the only people who are actually going to read this are him and my parents, but on the off-chance you’re not one of the above, welcome to my lifestyle blog! Continue reading ““In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.” -Buddha”